friday khutba — english, french, swahili or just plain ole arabic?

Below is an article that was sent to us to post up. We hope you would appreciate this kind gesture.

The 6th Annual AMJA Conference

Held in Montreal – Canada

During Dhul Qi’dah 9 – 13, 1430 (Hijri) / October 28 – 31, 2009

الأصل أن تكون خطبة الجمعة باللغة العربية، فإذا تعذر ذلك، أو كان المصلون لا يفهمون اللغة العربية فيصح إلقاؤها باللغة التي يفهمها المصلون، على أن تكون أركان الخطبة والآيات القرآنية والأحاديث النبوية باللغة العربية.

لا مانع عند الحاجة من تخول الناس بدروس في المساجد قبل صلاة الجمعة بلغة عربية أو أي لغة أخرى يفهمها المصلون لتذكيرهم وتنويرهم بأحكام دينهم، على ألا يكون هذا إخلالا بمكانة خطبة الجمعة، أو تفريغا لها من مضمونها ومقصودها.

The default is that the Friday khutbah should be given in the Arabic language, if that becomes unachievable, then only it is allowed to give it in the local language as long as the pillars of the khutbah remain in Arabic.

And there is no harm in giving talks or lessons before the Friday Prayer in Arabic or other languages which are understood by the Musaleen, as long as such activities do not take place of the Friday khutbah itself and its position.

So, for all those who used to imply that speeches before Jumah were Bidah (or that speaking in Arabic is just plain wrong!) I hope you see, that it is not that case.


Comment from

1) Giving the khutba in a language other than Arabic is not forbidden when it fulfills certain conditions, however it remains frowned upon and has remained as such extensively within the first approximate 400 hundred years of the Prophets (SAW) passing away.

2) Arabic is a virtues language, and people of virtue should ascribe/promote it. Imaams should promote it for greater spiritual affinity. Listening to Quran and Hadith in its original form is also an act of ibadah (worship.)

3) For those that wish to take the language of the audience into consideration and thus refuse to give the khutba in Arabic, they can circumvent this matter by first giving a speech in the native tongue, thereafter follow it by an Azan and a brief Arabic khutba. (as done in Musjid Khadeejah. As also outlined only now by AMJA, something we have been doing ever since!)

4) An Arabic khutba need not be extensive, a few minutes is all it takes. The rewards of following a sunnah would be plenty.

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